Featured Speaker: Naia Leigh
About Naia Leigh
Shadow Alchemist: Illuminating Erotic Spirituality and Healing Psyches
Naia has spent 17 years in the field of energy-psychology mastering the art of healing the subconscious mind. She pioneered her own method, specializing in things such as repressed sexual trauma, and codependency. She taught and internationally certified other healers, coaches, and therapists that wanted to take their clients deeper. She then became a transformational dominatrix and now adds this to her toolbox to empower men and women in the areas of soul, sex, and leadership.
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Naia 's Gift
About Naia Leigh
Naia has spent 17 years in the field of energy-psychology mastering the art of healing the subconscious mind. She pioneered her own method, specializing in things such as repressed sexual trauma, and codependency. She taught and internationally certified other healers, coaches, and therapists that wanted to take their clients deeper. She then became a transformational dominatrix and now adds this to her toolbox to empower men and women in the areas of soul, sex, and leadership.
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