Featured Speaker: Lisa Concepcion
About Lisa Concepcion
Certified Love Life Strategist, Dating & Relationship Expert and Founder LoveQuestCoaching
Lisa Concepcion, is a Certified Professional LoveLife Strategist, Coach, Dating and Relationship expert and founder of LoveQuestCoaching.com a personal development teaching academy offering courses and one on one coaching for awakened, high conscious individuals and couples who are committed to bettering themselves and seek solutions to problems in their dating and relationships. Lisa's expertise is in Inner Child Reparenting, Self Love, Codependency Recovery and Dating as a Stoic. Lisa has offers her expertise, tips and insights in top media outlets such as Reader's Digest, Parade, Cosmopolitan, The NY Post, NBC News, Insider, EliteDaily.com, Bustle.com. A lover of content creation, Lisa offers loads of free, helpful and entertaining information via her YouTube Channel with over 800 videos, her TikTok channel @LisatheLoveLifeCoach1a and her LoveBlast Micro-Coaching email and daily posts across social media platforms. Lisa's coaching style delivers a results-driven, experience that is efficient, intuitive, effective, supportive, and empowering. You can connect with Lisa at LoveQuestCoaching.com where she offers a complimentary LoveLife Assessment. Lisa is happily married and a proud dog mom to Kevin, her Pomsky who often appears in her videos.
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Lisa's Gift

About Lisa Concepcion
Lisa Concepcion, is a Certified Professional LoveLife Strategist, Coach, Dating and Relationship expert and founder of LoveQuestCoaching.com a personal development teaching academy offering courses and one on one coaching for awakened, high conscious individuals and couples who are committed to bettering themselves and seek solutions to problems in their dating and relationships. Lisa's expertise is in Inner Child Reparenting, Self Love, Codependency Recovery and Dating as a Stoic. Lisa has offers her expertise, tips and insights in top media outlets such as Reader's Digest, Parade, Cosmopolitan, The NY Post, NBC News, Insider, EliteDaily.com, Bustle.com. A lover of content creation, Lisa offers loads of free, helpful and entertaining information via her YouTube Channel with over 800 videos, her TikTok channel @LisatheLoveLifeCoach1a and her LoveBlast Micro-Coaching email and daily posts across social media platforms. Lisa's coaching style delivers a results-driven, experience that is efficient, intuitive, effective, supportive, and empowering. You can connect with Lisa at LoveQuestCoaching.com where she offers a complimentary LoveLife Assessment. Lisa is happily married and a proud dog mom to Kevin, her Pomsky who often appears in her videos.
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